I’ll help you discover how small bite size changes can make healthy living fun AND fit into your busy schedule!

I’ll help you discover how small bite size changes can make healthy living fun AND fit into your busy schedule!

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

Napoleon Hill

For many years I’ve heard of the Word of the Year, however, I’ve never really embraced it.

That is up until now…  How about you?

I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately, sitting with the idea since before 2024 even started. And after pondering a lot of the words that I “like,” I’ve resonated with one word. The word…  G-R-O-W-T-H. 

Yup… Growth. 🦋

You know how you have known a word your whole life and then suddenly it looks so strange? That’s how I feel when I look at the word now! 😂 

Not strange in a bad way – but in a new, powerful way. That word provides a full, beautiful description of how my 2024 will be! 🙌

Here’s the dictionary version of growth: “The process of increasing in physical size.” The example used was the upward growth of plants. 

That example is not at all what I’m talking about – I do not need to grow physically! lol 

I’m talking about this version of growth, which I found on the website of the Institute of Transformational Nutrition: ”the process of developing self-identity, nurturing meaningful relationships with others and/or with a higher power, communing with nature, and recognizing transcendence and unity”

I have been on a trajectory of growth for many years now. My whole life, I’ve always wanted to do more, be better, develop new skills, and learn new things. These past few years I’ve really zeroed in on finding my purpose. And now that I finally know what that is! To help others find their own purpose, to be empowered… and to grow!  

It’s why I became a certified health and wellness coach. To help others with their own growth – emotionally, mentally, and physically.


Angela V meditating on a large tree stump overlooking nature in the mountains

And I’ve realized over the past few months, that in order for me to fulfill my purpose and follow my passion, it means going all in! To replace my full time income so that I can help others grow and fulfill their dreams.  I want to GROW this into a full time, empowering and heart centered business.

My plans for growth in 2024 include Personal Development and Professional Development. This blog post is me sharing my very personal goals and areas of improvement in my own life rather than an educational post, and it’s a great chance to get to know me on a more human level. I’m sharing my vulnerabilities and the areas that I really want and need to improve and uplevel. Elevate, if you will. 💫

Here's a breakdown of where and how I want to grow:

  • Personal Development
  • I will be more patient, especially with my kids 👯‍♀️
  • Continue and UPLEVEL my workout routine 💪
  • Continue my meditation and journaling practice 🧘‍♀️
  • Stop procrastinating. I’m pretty good at this in my personal life already. However, there are areas where I can improve. For example, sometimes I put off reading my precious books because I’m wasting my time on Instagram. Which brings me to my next point: 
  • Spend less time mindlessly scrolling on social media. This actually drives me crazy! I’ve really cut my time down over the years. But it has been creeping up on me again. At one time, many years ago, when my daughters were very young, I was soooo active on Facebook. One day, it dawned on me that I was so engaged in catching up on the feed that I was ignoring all their silly and beautiful behaviors and actions. My young girls were the most adorable things, yet there I was, concerned about missing out on some rant or what “Jody” had for lunch today. THAT was the day that I DELETED MY ACCOUNT AND NEVER LOOKED BACK! And you know what? I don’t miss it! IT WAS THE BEST THING I EVER DID!!! I know that’s an extreme example, but that’s what I needed to do then. And as I write this today, I still don’t have a personal Facebook profile – I have it for running my business page with ZERO friends. (Not even my own mother, lol). 
  • Read more books. 📚 I love reading, and my favorite type of books are personal development nonfiction books. I have one on the go right now: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I read this because I just finished The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. (How have I never read the secret until now??? 🤯Lol). Anyway, The Secret led me into a rabbit hole where I wanted to learn more about Bob Proctor, and then I just had to read Think and Grow Rich. Next up is Atomic Habits by James Clear, and I can’t wait!! 
  • Listen to more podcasts. I used to listen to these when commuting from my acreage to the city. Then, when I moved jobs to somewhere much closer to home, I realized that I didn’t mind that commute at all because I loved listening to podcasts so much. Some of my favourite podcasts are Feel Better, Live More by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee. The Mindset Mentor by Rob Dial Jr. FoundMyFitness with Rhonda Patrick, PhD. There are actually too many to list. Mel Robbins is amazing too!
Photo of a woman reading a book from her hammock

Angela's Informal Poll

Do you read more than one book at a time?

I'm curious about your preferred method of reading. How do you roll when it comes to reading?

Do you prefer to read just one book at a time? Or is having more than one book on the go the way you roll?

Full disclosure here... I must confess that I usually have more than one on the go... and for many of them, I still have a few pages at the end that I still haven't read. So, noooo judgement here!😉

Professional Development

My passion and purpose in life is to help people uplevel their health and their overall wellbeing. Because I’ve always been doing it in my own life, I have finally figured out that I can help others with this… as a CAREER. 💡I really don’t know why I didn’t think of this many years ago – it was one of those a-ha moments. It was actually my husband who led me to this realization. How did I not think of this on my own? 😆 Sometimes, it takes some outside perspective before you can see inward. 

Considering the above point, I will release FEAR… 

This may sound really strange, but I realized that I am a bit scared of success.

My clients that I’ve worked with have seen such incredible changes in their lives. They have lost weight, discovered their purpose, and developed mindfulness, and healthy practices which made them excel in other areas they hadn’t even considered. I can’t even begin to state how powerful coaching can be. And I’m just a natural at coaching, which is something I’m so grateful for (and relieved!), especially after spending all that time and money on my certification courses. 

That said, I’ve intentionally kept my coaching practice very small – a couple of clients at a time. It’s important that they have my full attention – plus I have my own personal responsibilities that are non-optional. This includes my (still) full-time insurance job. Teenage daughters in a very demanding sports schedule.

From May through the end of September (they race BMX competitively and it can be anywhere from 4-7 days a week). Then, after BMX season comes their school sports, which surprisingly take up a lot of evenings and weekends. Not to mention, the responsibility of running a household…  like all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry (never. ending. laundry.) We also go to church on Sundays and the girls have youth group as well. I’m positive that there is more that I can’t remember at this time – maybe I’m blocking it from my memory so I don’t feel overwhelmed. 😉 

Then, on top of ALL that… we still need to have some fun now and then (outside of the never-ending sports) and spend time with family and friends. 

That’s where my fear of success comes in.

How the heck will I manage a thriving coaching business AND do all of this? If it was just coaching, that’s fine. I can easily find time for my 1:1 clients. BUT. There’s also the fact that I want to GROW my business, and that in itself involves more time.

I love… LOVE writing blogs, hosting workshops, being outside and coaching outside! This is actually one of my (many) favorite, and very powerful (and proven) coaching tools and methods. Intrigued? Book a call and ask me more!

Photo of a journal on top of a meditation pillow outside in nature

Then there’s the need to be active on social media and recording new content.

There are so many aspects of growing a business that light me up – and the reality is that I just don’t have the time to do all of it. 

My biggest fear is that I’m going to miss something, especially when it comes to my husband and daughters.

How can I have more time to live my purpose?

My biggest obstacle right now is that I need that full-time job because it pays the bills. 

So what I’m going to do is keep that full-time job AND grow my business. 

I will say no to activities that don’t contribute to my professional development, which is going to happen through my growth of the personal development actions listed above.

If I find myself with an extra five minutes that I can mindlessly scroll through social media… instead, I will keep a list handy of small actions that I can take towards growing my business. 

Thankfully, I know exactly what I need to do.

I’m well aware that I will have a lot on my plate. And it’s going to be worth every sacrifice that I need to make over the next year so that I can live my dream.

Because at the end of the day – that’s what will lead me to building the life that is destined for me.

By the end of 2024 I will have grown into my coaching business and helped many people. I will look back at all of the sacrifices with a proud feeling of accomplishment because it was the necessary thing that I needed to do in order to live out my destiny. 

As I write this, it’s a quiet Saturday morning, and it’s one of those rare days that we don’t have to be anywhere. I’m joyfully writing out this blog post and looking forward to having the remainder of my day to work on the other aspects of my business. Then, I get to head out for a winter hike on the first very cold day of the year. 

What is one small thing that you can do today to contribute to your growth? 

If you want to Elevate Your Life, and pursue your passion and dream life, I would love to help!

Schedule a call with me, and together, we will devise a plan so you can live your purpose as well. 

To your best health! And cheers to your GROWTH! ❤️

Be sure to follow me on Facebook for all future event postings. 

To your best health! 


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