Coaching Programs
Investing in you and your health is essential for your overall wellness.
Are you tired of feeling… well, tired? Overwhelmed by all you have to get done in a day? Responsibilities at home, work, relationships?
At the end of the day, you feel exhausted with no energy. You find yourself eating unhealthy, staying up late, waking up early, and starting all over again.
If only you had more time and energy…
I can help you with that. We all have 24 hours in a day – the secret isn’t more time. It’s to find ways to focus more and prioritize what’s important – yourself and your health.
My coaching programs were created to have an impact on your overall wellness. That starts with discovering what’s been holding you back, what motivates you, and what results you want.
"Nothing changes, until you change. Everything changes, once you change."
Julian Lennon
Because you ARE going to get results!
Here’s the thing… you can continue doing the same thing you’ve been doing… and getting the same frustrating results that you haven’t been happy with. Lack of energy, exhaustion, weight gain, and the list goes on.
OR you can take action, make changes, and see the results you’ve always been hoping for. To feel more energized, rested, empowered, and happy with how you look and feel!
Nothing is going to change if you don’t change.
Are you ready to elevate your health? To empower your life?
Health and Wellness Shouldn't Be a One-Size-Fits-All
People often ask me what the best health and wellness program is.
My response is... the one that's going to work for YOU!
My programs are NOT a one-size-fits-all. I want to find out what motivates my clients - and what deters them. Everyone is at a different place in their life and with their health.
It's important that we fit the program to your current activity level. I want you to think about what's been holding you back. Do you have any physical limitations or conditions, if you're doing any current activity and at what level, what are your eating habits and what your struggles are.
I want to set my clients up for success - not frustration or failure. That's why I ask these questions at the start of my programs. and discover their personal goals. I want this to be a fun, empowering journey... not a short term destination!
Find out how I can help you create that sustainable, healthy life you want!
Wellness Design Kick Start Single Session
In this session, we’ll get right to the root of things. Determining what’s been keeping you stuck or holding you back. Whether you’re starting from scratch or you want to up-level even further, this powerfully transformative session is just what you need.
Energy REFRESH 4 Week Program
This is a shortened version of my 90-Day Energy Reset Program. Over four weeks, you will be taking actionable steps and, more importantly, being held accountable by me so you can achieve your health goals.
Energy RESET 12 Week Program
We’ll really dig down into what your goals are so we can implement a strategic plan to get you there! Think of it like a river: you’re on one side, and your goal is on the other. And everything in the river is what has been holding you back from achieving your weight loss target.
Group Coaching 6 Week Program
There’s power in numbers with this 6-week program that was created to help a larger group of like-minded people with similar goals. The beauty of group coaching is that not only will you have me guiding you to your best health, but you’ll also have a built-in cheer squad with the other members of the group. An added bonus with my group coaching program is you can save hundreds of dollars vs. many of the 1:1 programs.
NOTE: A MINIMUM of 6 people must be registered to run this program.
Corporate Coaching Programs
Employees are one of a business’s most valuable asset. So it’s important that they are healthy, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Why? Because healthy employees are more productive, take less sick days, and are more focused and happy. When an employer supports their employees by investing in wellness related programs, it increases employee loyalty and retention. In other words, if you invest in and take care of your employees, they’ll be more invested and take care of business!